Avard Law Offices PA
Only Law Office in SW FL with Board Certified Disability Attorneys
Avard Law Offices has Two Board Certified Social Security Disability Attorneys.
We Focus On:
* Social Security Disability Appeals Through The Circuit Court Of Appeals
* Social Security Disability Initial Claims
* Social Security Disability Hearings
* Social Security Medical Cessation
* Complaints Against The Commissioner Of Social Security
* Long-Term Disability Insurance Cases
* State Disability Retirement Cases
At Avard Law Offices, P.A., we practice law with one goal in mind: our clients come first. To meet this goal, we keep up-to-date with all the current changes in the law and have many published cases that have, in fact, changed the law for the better for our clients.
*costs excluded
Attorneys at Avard Law Offices, P.A. have been handling Social Security and Long Term Disability cases since 1981. When selecting a Social Security Disability Attorney, it is important to know if the Attorney will take your case up through the Federal Court system. Many representatives handling Social Security Disability cases do not appeal to the Federal Courts. Avard Law Offices, P.A. has numerous published cases and cases on West Law concerning important issues on Social Security Disability matters.
In addition, Attorney Avard was a participating faculty speaker for the American Association for Justice (AAJ's Social Security Success! Seminar, Las Vegas, NV, August l9-20, 20l0, on the topic of "Using Jobs Software Tools and Internet Resources: O*NET, Job Browser Pro, and PAQ/ERI with Vocational Witnesses Before, During, and After ALJ Hearings; and Attorney Avard was a lecturer for the National Organization of Social Security Disability Claimants' Representatives, September 22-25, 20l0, Chicago, Il, speaking about using Software Tools and Internet Resources with Vocational Experts at hearings before Administrative Law Judges. Attorney Avard also was a participating lecturer for the Florida Bar Continuing Legal Education Courses in Tampa and Miami at a seminar on Effective Advocacy Before The Appeals Council and Beyond, 2000.
Avard Law Offices, P.A. has a trained staff with extensive knowledge of the inner workings of the Social Security Administration. Karen Plum-Herring, a legal assistant, has 3l years experience working in the hearing offices for Social Security in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and Fargo, North Dakota where she was responsible for writing decisions for the Administrative Law Judges. She specialized in the development and adjudication of claims Retirement, Survivor, and Disability benefits in the Fort Myers Social Security Office.
Avard Law Offices, P.A. has handled Long-Term Disability cases against insurance companies with equal vigor and has litigated ERISA cases in the Federal Courts.
Avard Law Offices PA
37 N Orange Ave #500
Orlando FL 32801-2459
Tel: 877 962-8273; 800 814-0808
Personal Injury, Social Security, Disability, Employment Discrimination and Veteran Benefits law firms
A Personal Injury, Social Security, Disability, Employment Discrimination and Veteran Benefits law firms in the southwest. Our personal injury lawyers work hard for you!
