James D Phillips
Orlando DUI Attorney | DUI Lawyer in Orlando, Florida

The Orlando DUI Attorneys at Katz & Phillips, P.A., are committed to providing DUI defense to clients throughout the Orlando, Florida area.

Katz & Phillips PA
121 S Orange Ave #1420
Orlando FL 32801
Tel: 321 332-6864
Fax: 407 657-1526
E-mail: jphillips@kplegalteam.com

Orlando DUI Attorney

Aggressive Drunk Driving Defense in Orlando, FL and the Surrounding Areas

The time immediately following a DUI charge can be one of the most stressful, exhausting and emotionally trying times that you can possibly imagine. Something that started as an innocent evening relaxing with friends can quickly turn into a drunk driving arrest, leaving you to face the consequences of jail time, fines, driver's license suspension, mandatory installation of an ignition interlock device or vehicle impoundment. These are not minor penalties and should not be treated as such. If you are successfully convicted of driving under the influence, your entire life could be spent dealing with the consequences. This is not something that you want to find yourself saddled with.

For this reason, it is absolutely vital that as soon as you have been arrested or charged that you do not hesitate to contact an experienced Orlando DUI defense attorney as quickly as you can. By working with a lawyer that you can trust, you can breathe easier knowing that you do not have to face your case alone. You may be surprised to discover that your case is not as "open and shut" as law enforcement and the prosecuting attorney would lead you to believe. You may have various defense strategies available to you, which may successfully turn the tides of your case and help you face a future free from a conviction and various penalties.

If you’ve been arrested on DUI charges in Orlando, working with an experienced and dedicated DUI defense attorney can make a significant difference in whether or not your case ends successfully. All DUI cases require a great deal of attention and commitment from a lawyer with a vast knowledge of Florida DUI laws, litigation, and penalties. When you retain the services of a well-practiced DUI attorney, you are ensuring your rights will be zealously protected, and that you’ll have the skilled defense needed to successfully fight your charges.

Orlando DUI Law Firm

We have been defending people against DUI charges in the Orlando area for many years. Although DUI may not seem like a serious offense, we assure you it is. Without proper defense representation, you may find yourself behind bars, without a driver’s license, and out hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in fines and court fees. Do not let your DUI charges spiral out of control. We would be more than happy to use our experience, skills, and resources to defend you in court and help you avoid a DUI conviction. We work as a team on every case to enhance the strength of the case and maximize our clients’ chances of resolving their case successfully.

Not only do we provide legal counsel in any and all criminal court proceedings but we also assist clients in scheduling their DMV hearings to contest the suspension of their driver's license. We provide skilled representation at these administrative hearings with the Florida DHSMV to help our clients in every stage of their case. After all, license suspension alone, whether due to a failed or refused breath or blood test, may have a significant impact on your life. Our aim is to help you keep your driving privileges while also protecting your freedom.

The DUI Process in Orlando

When an individual is pulled over on suspicion of drinking and driving, several events may immediately occur. The officer may ask you to take a field sobriety test or breath test to determine if your abilities are impaired and your blood alcohol content. If you refuse the test, the officer may take you back to the station for further testing, including a blood test for a more accurate read on your BAC. From here, if the officer has determined that your BAC is too high or your abilities are impaired by alcohol or drugs, an arrest may be made. It is important to note that there are two separate proceedings that occur after an arrest for drunk driving is made, and the first one must be scheduled within 10 days of your arrest. Upon finding yourself in the wake of a DUI arrest, you must immediately contact an Orlando DUI defense attorney. Your legal representation can schedule your DHSMV hearing to contest the suspension of your driver's license. Without this administrative hearing, your license will automatically be suspended, regardless if you are found guilty of DUI. Continue reading more about the DUI process in Orlando here.

Whether you’re facing your first DUI, or you already have a conviction on your record, we have what it takes to provide you with a proper defense. We have a great deal of experience in all areas of Florida DUI law, having handled cases involving underage DUI charges, felony DUI charges, out-of-state DUI cases, DUI with injury cases, multiple DUI offenses and DUI of drugs cases, such as those involving marijuana or prescription drugs such as Ambien.

Our legal team understands the ins and outs of breath and blood testing, field sobriety testing and all other aspects of the evidence that the government will use against you in an attempt to secure a conviction. We know how to challenge breath test results or challenge blood test results and can also protect your legal rights if you have been accused of a refusal of breath testing under the state's implied consent law. At our firm, we can also help with cross-examination and help to challenge an unlawful police stop. Regardless of the nature of your charges, we are confident in our ability to fully investigate your case from every angle in order to build a comprehensive and aggressive legal strategy that suits your particular needs and concerns.

Contact an Orlando DUI Defense Lawyer

Who you choose to represent you in your criminal case could be the difference between successfully resolving your case and struggling for an extended period of time with the ramifications of conviction. You cannot afford to be flippant with your future at a time such as this, and you cannot afford to treat the case lightly. For this reason, we highly advise that you do not hesitate to contact an aggressive Orlando DUI lawyer from our firm to help you aggressively fight to defend your rights, your future and your freedom. The sooner that you get us on your side, the sooner we can begin to work our way through your criminal case.

Now is the time to act, before it's too late and you are already convicted or pressured into accepting a plea bargain that wasn't actually in your best interests. If you’re searching for an Orlando DUI lawyer you can depend on to protect your best interest and aggressively fight for your rights and freedom, you’ve come to the right place. We understand you are probably very concerned about your future—and rightfully so! However, we are committed to devoting 100% of our energy, time, resources, and attention into fighting your charges and helping you resolve both your DMV hearing and criminal case in the best possible way. Will be by your side throughout every step of the DUI process, and will never give up on you or your case—no matter how difficult or challenging it may be!

For more information about our DUI defense services and how we can help you, please contact an Orlando DUI attorney at our firm!
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